Did you know?

Did you know that it was Hugh Johnson who coined the famous wine terms "Old World" & "New World".

In his Introduction to the 5th edition of The World Atlas of Wine, which he co-wrote with Jancis
Robinson, Hugh says this

"(It was I, I confess, who coined this much-maligned wine world split. Times have changed. Much of the "Old World" has become "New"; a little of the "New" is deemed to be "Old".)"

Map: Green represents "Old World" and Grey represents "New World" Picture courtesy of Wikipedia

New World countries include: Argentina, Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand etc.

Old World countries include: France, Italy, Spain etc.

Established Niagara winery Chateau des Charmes has this "split" terminology cleverly used in their tagline: "New World Excellence, Old World Tradition"

For more info on the Old World click here

For more info on the New World
click here.

Now you know!
